Call now on +353 (0) 45 831134
Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm    

Become a competent occupational health and safety professional.

According to Indeed on 09.07.2019 the average salary for a qualified occupational health and safety adviser is €45,841 per annum.


Expert Safety offers a 2 year pregraduate programme.  This programme offers a combination of in the field learning and academic qualifications. The course is heavily focused on work place learning through a blended approach which includes work placement,  whilst attaining the following qualifications

* Diploma in Occupational health and safety FETAC Level 7 NFQ 

* Manual handing trainer

* Abrasive wheels trainer

* VDU dektop assessor

* Certified first aider

* Certified scaffold inspectors


All previous Expert Safety Pregraduates are employed in the sector.  We assist all our Pregraduates to attain employment upon completion and have a 100% track record in this regard.


All Pregraduate candidates must undergo an interview

We have only 5 places remaining for 2019 entry. 

Applications strictly close on 31st August 2019


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Expert Safety, Hollywood Enterprise Centre, Hollywood, Co. Wicklow, Ireland.
Tel: +353 (0)45 831134, Mob: +353 (0)87 9651177